Suddenly you realise that the winter has arrived, it is pending between -10 and -18 degrees celsius, depending on the hour of the day, the daylight's under a short interval.. and being indoors I can still urge for ice cream occasionaly. My friends think that's very strange of me ;D.
There is not a lot to report right now and hasn't been for quite a while. Christmas is only a month away now and that feels very cool. It's probably the one and only event of the year that actually still is a firm and steady tradition here. Midsummer Eve is very important as well, but cannot be compared to Christmas.
The studies are going quite good. I get a little nervous sometimes right before those final tests, but except for that.. things are okay.
I've been working on my homepage today and I think it looks kinda cool now. It was hard to get the CSS 100% correct, but both the markup language and the Cascaded StyleSheets are strictly valid according to W3C, which I am pleased with, of course! :)
Kl. 01:42
A day in town
Today I went to town with a friend to trade in a couple of console games for another, new console game. After that we bought some lunch: a very nice Chicken salad from a place called Katharina's. It turned out to be a perfect choice for food, I sure will return! :-}
I've been sick all week so far. Already sensed it this Sunday, and on Monday it was clear to me when I woke up in the morning. However, I've managed to recover from it very rapidly, step by step. If I continue make progress in this tempo, I will be fine on Tuesday when next class in school starts again. I say both fortunately and unfortunately for me, that this week was a vacant one.. on the other hand, I didn't have anything else to do this week, so.. not like it matters anyway, I suppose!
Kl. 22:12 0 kommentarer